Elite Residential Locksmith in Baltimore City, MD

Elite can be your residential locksmith in Baltimore City, MD!
Elite Lock Solutions is a well-known residential locksmith in Baltimore City, MD. You can read the many stellar testimonials about Elite to show you just what customers think! A residential locksmith can do much more than just fix a broken door lock or replace a key. Whether you need those services or home and property security services, Elite Lock Solutions is ready for your call. Learn more below about what we can do for you and give us a call!
Doors, Hardware, and More
Elite Lock Solutions can help you service any part of your home’s exterior and interior doors. We can do total door replacements, as well as replace or repair any door part, including the frames. If you need any hardware or part serviced, we are happy to be of service. If you need to make doors ADA-compliant, we can do that, too.
Locks, Keys, and Keyless Entry
Of course, you can also call Elite to install, repair, service, and replace locks and keys. Our lock and key services are not limited to doors alone; feel free to reach out to us concerning your antique furniture, filing cabinets, etc.
Are you looking to upgrade your home’s security? Elite can be your home security locksmith in Baltimore City, too! We install smart home devices and other keyless access control devices. Secure your home with your device of choice; today, you can have front door security with all the bells and whistles, like a front door camera and speaker.
Vehicle Locks, Keys, Etc.
Personal vehicles need security, too. We service all locks, keys, and remote access control devices for your car, truck, etc. That includes the locks and keys of your vehicle’s doors, trunk, and ignition. Our automobile locksmith services include:
- Rekeying locks
- Replacing and repairing locks
- Replacing and repairing keys
- Extracting broken keys
- Retrieving keys from locked vehicles
Residential Safe Services
Residential safes keep valuables like weapons, documents, jewelry, and other precious items safe from fire, floods, and robbery. However, your safe won’t work unless it is operational and properly bolted to the floor or wall. You can trust Elite to repair, open, install, and move your personal safe.
Elite Can Be Your Residential Locksmith in Baltimore City!
Elite Lock Solutions is a trusted residential locksmith in Baltimore City and the surrounding areas. Learn more about us; if you are ready to call, we are ready to answer!
Elite Lock Solutions is your trusted partner in secure access to your home, business, and vehicle. From full lock installation to high-level security needs to emergency turn-key service, you can rely on our technicians to deliver premium products and services. High quality, skilled work, and prompt customer service are what you can expect when you engage us. Local to the Baltimore area, we have served Maryland for decades, including Montgomery County, Bethesda, Potomac, and Silver Spring, and are rapidly expanding to accommodate the Mid-Atlantic region. Stay up-to-date on the latest company news by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can learn more about our business by visiting our website, calling us at (833) ELITE95, or by emailing us at info@elitelocksolutions.com.